With increasing mental stress or because of any internal disease, age starts dominating your personality and you look older than your chronological age. Your face says everything about your health and age. With increased ageing rate, your face gets more wrinkles, loose skin and under eye scan lines (usually called dark circles in normal language).
Wrinkles or rhytite is a fold or ridge in the smooth skin. Loss of collagen fibre in skin tissues, dehydration of skin, particular and excessive face expression may be the potential reasons of having wrinkles on skin.
What are uder eye circles and how do they relate with wrinkles
under eye darkness is not hyper pigmentation of the skin but it is due to fine folds of skins that make under eye skins darker. In other ways fine lines under eye creates dark circles and these are one kind of wrinkles.
Potential reasons of wrinkles and loose skin on face
Loss of bodymass
If someone losing body mass their skin may become loser and can creates large size ugly wrinkles. To recover body mass you need to consult with a doctor and a dietician as well. SO that you could find out why are losing body mass and how to recover it.
Loss of collagen fibre
With time collagen starts reducing in the body and so is in the skin. Collagen is remarkably responsible for tight and smooth skin. Gradually collagen starts decreasing and skin gets wrinkles. Additionally collagen adds to hair, nails and joints health too.
Excessive face expressions
face expressions for a particular face part can create wrinkle on that area. For instance if you blink too much it may increase fine lines under your eyes.
Frequent weeping
Yes. Don’t be surprised. If your tears comes out frequently, you may be a victim of increased under eye wrinkles.
Stress and depression
Stress, depression and insomnia may also be a reason for increased ageing rate. These factors induces catabolic activities in body and production of free radicals. Free radicals are drastically liable for ageing.
Herbal Medicines and Ayurvedic treatment to cure wrinkles and under eye circles
Curing causes that are responsible for ageing may reduce skin wrinkles and fine lines. Apart from taking good diet, practicing yoga and aerobic exercises, herbs may help at an extent. In this post we will tell you about some herbal treatments to reduce akin wrinkles.
Essential oils
Applying herbal essential oils of some specific herbs can reduce ageing effect on skin. Lets know about them
Wheat germ oil
Wheat germ oil can be applied directly on the skin in pure form and it is safe. Wheat germ oil provides nutrition to the epithelial cells and helps regenerate skin tissue. Regular application of this oil can reduce wrinkles and under eye scan lines. Wheat germ oil is supposed to reduce ultraviolet rays effect on skin and may restore youthness of the skin.
Rosehip seed oil
Rosehip seed oil is rich in nutrients and found helpful in restoring skin smoothness and skin evenness. It also heals skin damage due to ultraviolet rays and fungal infection damages. Rosehip seed oil is full of vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. As roseship seed oil contains vitamin C and skin hydrating properties, it retains skin moisture and heals damages skin due to ageing.
Additionally rosehip oil found beneficial to recover skin tone and to remove red blotches.
Other essential oils that may help fight wrinkles
- Argon oil
- Pomegranate oil
- Carrot seed oil
- Grapeseed oil
Applying honey and curd blend
Honey contains high quality fructose naturally extracted from flowers by honey bees. In many researches and personal experiences, fructose found beneficial to cure damaged skin due to ageing or other reasons. Blending honey in curd and applying it as face mask can reduce ageing effects, reduces wrinkles and retain skin glow. Take two tablespoons of honey and mix it with one tablespoon curd. Blend it thoroughly. Apply it on the face as face mask. Rinse it after half an hour.
Pomegranate, lemon and turmeric blend
- Half glass pomegranate juice blended with its seeds
- one spoon lemon juice
- Two tablespoons organic turmeric powder
- 1 Tablespoon of corn flour
Preparation – Mix all ingredients properly. Stir the blend until it becomes semi viscous. You can add more or less corn flour to obtain desire viscosity.
Modern approach to cure wrinkles and under eye circles
Collagen Supplements
Collagen peptide plays a very important role in skin, muscles, hair, nails and bone health. In old age or in collagen deficiency diseases, collagen starts decreasing in the body and it impacts our body in different ways. If you are running low in collagen, you may face joint pain, poor skin, nails and muscle health. You skin starts getting more and more wrinkles.
As collagen can’t be obtained from plants, it is extracted from fish, chicken or any other animal. Collagen peptide powder is available in sachet form and it is a dietary supplement. If you consume 7 to 10 gm collagen daily, you may feel drastic reduction in skin wrinkles. However it doesn’t work 100%.
Hyaluronic acid and vitamin C serums
Hyaluronic acid is an amazing hydrating agent and retain skin moisture up to great extent. Hyaluronic and vitamin C based serums found highly beneficial in restoring skin youthness and many users reported miraculous before and after results of these kinds of serums.
Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in our body and if it applies topically on the skin it can increases water binding ability of skin cells several times. Applying hyaluronic acid serum creates instant glow on the skin and its regular usage makes skin more and more young.
Antioxidant dietary supplements
Foods that are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, lycopene, beta carotenes etc can help decrease ageing rate and makes skin younger. It is advised to take indian gooseberry, tomato soup, carrot and beet root juice and other foods that are rich in antioxidants and low in fat and carbohydrates may help you decrease ageing rate and may also reduce ageing effects like wrinkles.
Bottom line
Wrinkles are directly related to your high ageing rate and poor fitness. If you are getting more more signs of high ageing rate, you need to find out the cause and then fight the cause that is responsible for the ageing. This will be the real solution. Meanwhile you can try to recover the damages (such as wrinkles) occurred due to high ageing rate.